Average Salary in Singapore

Expats in Singapore

The average salary in Singapore is a topic of significant interest given the city-state’s position as a major global financial hub and its high standard of living. Understanding the average salary in Singapore involves considering various factors, including industry sectors, education levels, experience, and the changing economic landscape.


Economic Context

Singapore’s economy is diverse, with key sectors including finance, manufacturing, logistics, and technology. This economic diversity influences salary ranges, with some sectors typically offering higher average salaries than others. Additionally, Singapore’s economy is influenced by global economic trends and its position as a regional hub for many multinational corporations.

The average monthly salary in Singapore varies, but a general ballpark figure for the median salary is around SGD 4,500 to SGD 5,000. This figure, however, encompasses a wide range of professions and industries and should be viewed as a broad average.

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Factors Influencing Salaries

  1. Industry Sector: Some of the highest-paying sectors include finance, technology, and pharmaceuticals. Jobs in these sectors often require specialized skills and offer higher salaries compared to other sectors like hospitality or retail.
  2. Experience and Education: As expected, salary levels generally increase with experience and education. Individuals with higher qualifications and extensive professional experience typically command higher salaries.
  3. Role and Job Function: Management and executive roles usually offer higher salaries compared to entry-level positions. Specialized roles in areas like IT, engineering, and finance also tend to have higher average salaries.
  4. Company Size and Type: Larger multinational corporations often pay more than small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The type of company also matters; for example, tech startups might offer competitive salaries to attract talent.


Comparisons Across Sectors

  1. Finance and Banking: Professionals in finance, particularly in roles like investment banking, asset management, and risk management, tend to have higher average salaries, often exceeding SGD 10,000 per month.
  2. Information Technology: With the tech sector’s growth, roles in software development, data science, and cybersecurity command high salaries, often ranging from SGD 6,000 to SGD 10,000 per month.
  3. Engineering: Engineers, especially in fields like aerospace, chemical, and electronics, see average salaries from SGD 5,000 to SGD 8,000 per month.
  4. Healthcare: Medical professionals, including doctors and specialists, have some of the highest salaries, but these vary widely based on specialization and practice settings.
  5. Education and Research: University professors and researchers with doctorates can expect salaries in the range of SGD 6,000 to SGD 9,000 per month, depending on their field and experience.


Entry-Level vs. Senior-Level Salaries

Entry-level positions in Singapore typically start at around SGD 2,500 to SGD 3,500 per month, depending on the industry and role. Senior-level positions, especially in high-demand sectors and managerial roles, can easily exceed SGD 10,000 per month.

Higher education levels typically correlate with higher salaries. Individuals with master’s degrees or higher qualifications often command higher starting salaries and are more likely to ascend to higher-paying managerial and specialized roles.

Part-Time and Hourly Wages

Part-time workers and those in casual or contract positions have different salary scales. The average hourly wage for part-time workers can range from SGD 10 to SGD 20, depending on the job nature and industry.

Gender Pay Gap

Like many countries, Singapore has a gender pay gap, although efforts are ongoing to address this disparity. On average, women may earn slightly less than men, a gap that is more pronounced in certain industries and senior roles.


Comparison with Cost of Living

Singapore is known for its high cost of living, which includes housing, transportation, and general expenses. The average salary should be considered in the context of these living costs. Despite high salaries in certain sectors, the cost of living can offset the disposable income of residents.

Singapore’s average salary trends are likely to evolve with technological advancements, economic shifts, and changes in the global market. Sectors like technology and finance are expected to continue offering higher salaries due to the demand for skilled professionals in these areas.


Factors impacting workers salary in Singapore

The average salary in Singapore is influenced by a multitude of factors, including industry, education, experience, and job function. While the city-state offers competitive salaries, especially in sectors like finance, technology, and engineering, these must be weighed against its relatively high cost of living.

It’s also important to consider future economic trends and ongoing efforts to address issues such as the gender pay gap. For anyone considering employment or career development in Singapore, a nuanced understanding of the salary landscape is crucial for making informed decisions.